P52 Week 1 - Self Portrait

Ahh, the dreaded self-portrait. I know I’m not alone in this assignment. Most all of those participating in this project prefaced their image with how they dislike being in front of the camera. Like me, they prefer to be on the other side.

When pulling out the tripod to take a self portrait, it reminds me of the dread in the pit of my stomach when I’m asked to introduce myself to a new group of people. As people go around the room, and I am anxiously awaiting my turn, my pulse quickens while I’m trying to think of something intelligent and interesting to say about myself and not have my brain freeze. Now, ask me about my children or grandchildren and I could talk all day! Why is this so hard and seem so easy for others? The struggle of an introvert is real! Maybe it is because we are all our own worst critic.

So I leave you with the first week’s topic - self portrait. I utilized some Christmas fairy lights, hoping to be a light for anyone who visits here or who I encounter in person. Happy New Year!

Self Portrait - Kim DuPree Photography

P52 Week 2 - White


Lifestyle Session - Whitehouse, TX